Table of contents for Vol 45 in LOSE IT! The Handbook (2024)

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LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45Happy New Year, everyone!We have a very good feeling about 2023. We all spent last year finding our feet after Covid rocked the world, so this is the year you take back control – of your physical and mental wellbeing, and of your sanity. It’s tough living in a state of uncertainty all the time, and it takes its toll.We’ve prepared this issue of LOSE IT! with all that in mind, starting with the incredibly inspirational stories of Amy and Karien, who each lost 74kg! It’s an extraordinary achievement, and they take us through exactly how they did it, and share their favourite go-to recipes with us.If you feel too tired to take charge of your life, let alone your weight, turn to page 18 before you do anything else. Did you know…2 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45BUTTER CHICKENKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 19GCARBS 11GPROTEIN 38GSERVES 3–4Serve the butter chicken on its own or with cauli rice.FOR THE MARINADE• 450g–500g chicken breasts or thighs, boneless and skinless• 115g full-cream plain yoghurt• 5ml (1 tsp) grated fresh ginger• 2 garlic cloves, crushed• 5ml (1 tsp) turmeric• 10ml (2 tsp) garam masala• 2.5ml (½ tsp) chili powder• 5ml (1 tsp) ground cumin• 5ml (1 tsp) paprikaFOR THE CURRY• 30ml (2tbsp) butter or olive oil• 1 large onion, chopped• 3 garlic cloves, minced• 3.75ml (¾ tsp) ground cumin• 3.75ml (¾ tsp) garam masala• 2.5ml (½ tsp) curry powder or toasted masala• 250ml (1 cup) tomato purée• salt to taste• 100ml (⅖ cup) cream• coriander leaves, to serve1. TO MARINATE THE CHICKEN: Cut the chicken into cubes and place in a bowl.…1 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45Liquid goldAfter living in Central Africa for 20 years, Nick and Brenda Wilkinson moved back to South Africa and ended up living on a farm next to the Breede River in the Scherpenheuwel Valley south-east of Worcester. The idea to farm with olives was the result of a consultation Nick had with his doctor 12 years ago, when he suggested Nick should change his diet to use more olive oil as a natural remedy to reduce his blood pressure and cholesterol level.‘Nick originally qualified as a chartered accountant, and I am a teacher,’ Brenda says. ‘Despite no experience in olive farming, Nick was confident, having managed multiple international large-scale agribusiness projects throughout Central Africa, taking primary products, branding them and bringing them to market.’Nick now makes premium quality olive oil… although,…4 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45IRON-AGEthinkingIron is one of the essential minerals the human body needs to enjoy good energy levels and proper immune function. Our bodies don’t make iron – it must be absorbed from what we eat.To better understand what may lead to a deficiency, it’s helpful to know that iron from food comes in two forms, heme iron and non-heme iron, and they’re absorbed differently in the small intestine.Heme iron is found only in meat and fish – in other words, we can derive heme iron only from dietary animal protein.Non-heme iron is found in plant-based foods such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, leafy greens and beans. And it’s found in animal products like eggs, milk and even animal flesh, because animals also eat non-heme-iron foods.To recap: Animal meat contains a combination…4 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 456 WEEKS to LOST IT!And this low-carb, healthy-fat lifestyle has the most delicious food.SIGN UP NOW AT six-week online low-carb, healthy-fat meal plan• Say goodbye to annoying extra kilos.• Say goodbye to hunger and hello to glowing skin.• Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to boundless energy.• Say hello to a new YOU!6 weeks to LOSE IT!is a specially designed online programme that will help you shed kilos – and change the way you think about food.EACH WEEK YOU GET:• An outline of your week ahead – as well as excellent advice and tips to get you set• A meal plan and recipes• A list of foods to eat and foods to avoid• A shopping listRECIPESONLY R499! SIGN UP NOW! GALLO IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES; SUPPLIED…1 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45MEET JEFF, YOUR NEW EXERCISE BUDDYTechnology has revolutionised the fitness industry. Even before lockdown, online fitness classes had been on the rise. But once the hype and excitement behind the convenience factor dies down (in this case, the novelty of working out in your pyjamas), it comes down to two things: accountability and community.Online workouts started off as the equivalent of a Jane Fonda home video, just through an uploaded link on YouTube instead. If you had 20 minutes to spare and wanted to get fit but didn’t want to go to the gym, this was finally a space to call your own. Interestingly, the online uptake barely impacted club memberships and fitness class numbers. That was until it was all taken away. Lockdown meant you couldn’t walk your dog, let alone go to the…5 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45TacosThere’s nothing better than sitting around a table with friends, sharing a casual, easy feast. The best thing about tacos is that you choose exactly what you want on yours!KEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 48GCARBS 13GPROTEIN 47GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 15GCARBS 5GPROTEIN 5GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 33GCARBS 25GPROTEIN 41G◗ MEXICAN BARBECUE PORK TACOSSERVES 6FOR THE PORK• 1kg deboned pork neck, sliced into 6 thick steaks• 30ml (2 tbsp) smoked paprika• 5ml (1tsp) coriander seeds• 5ml (1 tsp) cumin seeds• 10ml (2tsp) sea salt flakes• 5ml (1 tsp) black peppercorns• 30ml (2 tbsp) olive oilFOR THE BARBECUE BASTING SAUCE• 30ml (2 tbsp) olive oil• 1 small onion, peeled and chopped roughly• 3 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped finely• 1 green sweet pepper, seeds removed and chopped roughly• 1 jalapeño,…10 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45PALEODAIRY• GheeNo other dairy such as milk, cream or cheeseEGGS• Free-range, organic eggsFATS• Avocado oil• Coconut oil• Macadamia nut oil• Olive oilNo refined vegetable oils such as canola or sunflowerFLOURS• Almond flour• Coconut flour• Macadamia nut flourNo wheat flours, grain cereals, oats or riceFRUIT• Most fresh (preferably organic) fruit in moderationMEAT• Free-range, grass-fed, organic meatNo processed meatsNUTS• Most nutsNo beans, lentils, peas or other pulses, either fresh or dried, except peanutsSEAFOOD• Most (sustainably caught) fish and other seafoodNo crumbed or processed fishSWEET THINGS• Dark chocolate• Maple syrup• Raw honeyNo sugar or artificial sweetenersVEGGIES• Most fresh (preferably organic) vegetablesNo potatoes; other starchy vegetables, such as beetroot and sweet potato, should be eaten in moderationNo processed or junk food…1 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45ON SHELFLIVING ECO REUSABLE BEESWAX WRAPS are an eco-friendly alternative to cling wrap. They’re made by hand from cotton infused with beeswax. You can use and reuse them to wrap lunches, fresh produce and leftovers, or any other food you want to keep fresh for longer. R199 for a pack of 3 wraps; DES SENS is a luxury French natural-cosmetic brand that’s now available in SA. The eco-friendly and vegan-friendly products include fragrances and luxurious creams and oils, as well as soaps and scented candles. offers a comfortable, stylish take on compression socks for sport, travel and everyday wear. Compression socks apply pressure to your lower legs, thus helping to maintain blood flow and prevent swelling, blood clots and spider veins. Milkteds socks feature a soft yarn mix made…1 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45Sow the seedsof healthNuts and seeds play an important role in low-carb eating, not only because they’re a satiating alternative to sugary snacks but also because they have an impressive list of health benefits. Pumpkin seeds are full of dietary fibre, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, amino acids and other vital nutrients. Eating just a small amount can provide a healthy dose of magnesium, zinc, iron and vitamin K.It’s easy to incorporate pumpkin seeds into your low-carb diet.Zinc is most commonly linked to immune support, but it is also important for male hormone health.SIX KEY BENEFITS OF PUMPKIN SEEDS1 HELP YOU MANAGE STRESS AND SLEEP BETTERAs an excellent source of magnesium, pumpkin seeds can help your body regulate stress and promote deep, uninterrupted sleep. Magnesium is the mineral responsible for helping your body…3 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45TO WEIGHor NOT TO WEIGH?A bathroom scale can be an exceptionally useful tool for keeping tabs on your weight-loss progress. The number staring back at you will tell a story and help you decide on your next step: If you’ve let things slide, it can motivate you to get back on track. If you’d like to see better or quicker results, it might inspire you to tweak your diet.But weighing yourself can be discouraging if the numbers move in the wrong direction, or if they keep yo-yoing. This is especially true if you place a great deal of value on scale weight.◗ THE SCALE DOESN’T TELL THE WHOLE STORYEver wondered how it’s possible to gain a kilogram or more in 24 hours? Rest assured, fat doesn’t pile on overnight. Our weight naturally fluctuates depending…4 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45‘LOW-CARB HELPED METURN MY LIFE AROUND’‘I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life,’ says 54-year-old Karien van der Westhuizen.‘I was overweight as a teenager and as a young woman, and my weight just seemed to snowball as time went on. I would eat all the wrong foods and get fatter and fatter. Then I would go on the latest fad diet and lose the weight – only to gain it all back, and then some.’Before she knew it, Karien was unable to fit into her largest clothing item: a size 52 pair of jeans.‘My husband and son were both quite overweight as well. But then my son went off to study, and he lost 40 kg on the low-carb lifestyle. He kept asking me to join him, but I always said I wasn’t ready. But…4 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45TRACKING MACROSA beginner’s guideMacronutrients, or macros, are the nutrients your body needs in large amounts for energy, and the other components it needs to grow, heal, and maintain its structure and functions. The three main macros are fats, proteins and carbohydrates.Before we look at a few ways to calculate your macros and stay within the recommended quantities for the low-carb lifestyle, it’s important to understand and consider the way your body digests and utilises these nutrients, since they’re metabolised differently.➊ Fats provide our bodies with the building blocks needed to produce ketones. Fats are 90% LCHF-friendly, because only a small quantity of glucose (10%) is released during their conversion from triglycerides into energy. Your body also converts any calories it doesn’t need right away into triglycerides and stores them in fat cells. Triglycerides…4 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45Theflavours of VIETNAMKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 32 GCARBS 7GPROTEIN 24GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 32GCARBS 9GPROTEIN 38GPho is a noodle soup usually consisting of chicken or beef broth served hot with leafy greens.KEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 8GCARBS 4GPROTEIN 29GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 45 GCARBS 9GPROTEIN 23GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 29GCARBS 10GPROTEIN 32GKEEP ON TRACK (per lolly)FAT 39GCARBS 8GPROTEIN 14 GBANG-BANG PRAWNSSERVES 6 AS A STARTER OR A SNACKFOR THE PRAWN MARINADE• 125ml (½ cup) buttermilk• grated zest of 1 lime• 1 garlic clove, chopped finely• 4cm-piece ginger root, peeled and grated finely• 500g prawns, peeled and deveinedFOR COOKING THE PRAWNS• 125ml (½ cup) unflavoured whey protein• 5ml (1 tsp) salt• 125ml (½ cup) coconut oil, for fryingTO SERVE• 125ml (½ cup) mayonnaise• 30ml (2 tbsp) low-carb sweet chilli…8 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45UP YOURLUNCHBOX GAMEKEEP ON TRACK (per lunchbox)FAT 56GCARBS 11GPROTEIN 38 GKEEP ON TRACK (per lunchbox)FAT 17GCARBS 12 GPROTEIN 12GSPEEDY SALMON CURRYMAKES ENOUGH FOR 4 LUNCHBOXESFOR THE SALMON CURRY• 45ml (3 tbsp) olive oil• 4 salmon fillets (about 150 g each), skin on• 1 onion, peeled and chopped finely• 6cm-piece ginger root, peeled and chopped finely• 2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped finely• 1red chili, chopped• 30ml (2 tbsp) mild curry powder• 1 x 400ml tin coconut creamFOR THE LUNCHBOX• 300g cauli rice, cooked• 400g broccoli florets, steamed• 8 cos lettuce leaves• 1 lemon, sliced into wedges1. TO MAKE THE SALMON CURRY: Heat 1½ tbsp olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Season the salmon fillets with salt and rub it into the skin. Place in the pan, skin-side…8 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45LOSE THE SUGAR• Are you struggling to kick the sugar habit?• Do you feel tired and lack energy and focus?• Do you suffer from acid reflux, digestive problems or anxiety?• Do you suffer from joint pain and inflammation?• Have you been gaining weight?These could all be symptoms of a diet high in sugars and processed carbohydrates (starches). The good news is that you can change this within six weeks – and benefit from increased energy and improved health.From our meal plan!• You will start to feel better after only one week on the meal plan.• You will have more energy and mental clarity.• You’re going to feel and look so much better that you will never want to go back to your old diet again!EACH WEEK YOU’LL GET: a summary of what…1 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45MY KETO JOURNEYI’ve always had a love affair with food. My love of food and cooking was fuelled by the days I spent in the kitchen with my late grandmother, who was an exceptional cook.Some of my favourite childhood memories are centred on food, and over the years I learnt to use it to comfort myself. Binge-eating slowly crept in. I used to joke with friends about ‘eating my feelings’. I ate when I was happy, sad, disappointed, frustrated or unable to have a difficult conversation with someone. Food, especially sugary food, was always there to comfort me, no questions asked. The long-term damage caused by these binge-eating episodes never crossed my mind.I was eating myself into an early grave; my health was in pretty bad shape. I sweated buckets whenever I…5 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45‘What is cortisol, and do I need to be concerned about it?’Q I’ve been told I have an underactive thyroid, which may be affecting my weight. Please explain what this means.A Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, develops when the thyroid gland fails to produce or secrete as much thyroxine (T4) as the body needs. T4 is a hormone that’s responsible for the regulation of essential functions such as heart rate and digestion. There are three known types of hypothyroidism: primary, secondary and tertiary. The most common is primary hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid doesn’t produce an adequate amount of T4.The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an auto-immune disorder characterised by thyroid inflammation caused by attacks from the body’s own immune system on the thyroid gland. This causes the thyroid tissue to decay gradually, which directly impacts its ability…3 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 455 tips for tracking weight loss➊ Have realistic expectations. Don’t expect to lose weight at the same rate each week. If you weigh yourself daily, track the numbers and then take an average for the week or the month for a more accurate picture. A 2kg loss over a month is a healthy and achievable target.➋ View weight loss as a marathon, not a sprint. If you don’t adopt your eating and exercise plan as a lifestyle change, results will be disappointing and fleeting.➌ Track your waist circumference with a fabric tape measure. This is an important metric of health and will quickly highlight whether your dieting efforts are paying off.➍ Weigh yourself in the morning without clothes or shoes, before breakfast and after emptying your bowels. If you’re weighing yourself weekly, research suggests that…1 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45The DIETARY FIBRE DEBATEDietary fibre is a type of carbohydrate that the human body cannot completely digest; it passes relatively intact through the digestive system and is excreted. Plant-based foods that are rich in fibre include fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds.We’ve been taught that fibre helps to keep us ‘regular’; optimises the function of beneficial gut bacteria; and lowers the risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, particularly colon cancer. Fibre can even facilitate weight loss, because it soaks up water in the gut and makes you feel full, which reduces your appetite.Not all nutrition experts agree, however, that fibre is essential for wellbeing. In fact, some go so far as to argue that for many people fibre can be harmful.Did you know that our ancestors spent 2…6 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45Cool AS A cucumberKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 1GCARBS 15GPROTEIN 2GGood to know!Served ice-cold, this soup makes a lovely welcoming drink or soup for a summer brunch or lunch. The recipe is from my latest cookbook, Low-Carb Express (Penguin Books).KEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 30GCARBS 14GPROTEIN 5GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 15GCARBS 13GPROTEIN 10 GKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 1GCARBS 6GPROTEIN 4GICE-COLD CUCUMBER AND GINGER SOUPSERVES 4FOR THE SOUP• 2 handfuls of baby spinach• 2 short celery sticks• 10cm-piece fresh ginger root, peeled and chopped roughly• 4 snacking cucumbers• 1 small fennel bulb with fronds• a handful of fresh mint• a handful of fresh basil• juice and zest of 1 lemon• 250ml (1 cup) buttermilk• a pinch each of salt and freshly ground black pepper• a handful of iceTO SERVE• 2 snacking cucumbers,…6 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45HOT-WEATHER treatsKEEP ON TRACK (per serving)FAT 34GCARBS 4GPROTEIN 4GCOCONUT AND LEMON PUDDINGSSERVES 6FOR THE LEMON CURD• 5 egg yolks• grated zest of 1 lemon• 125ml (½ cup) lemon juice• 60ml (4tbsp) erythritol• 90g butterFOR THE COCONUT CREAM• 1 x 400g tin coconut milk, chilled in the fridge overnight• 30ml (2tbsp) erythritolTO SERVE• 50g coconut flakes, toasted lightly• 1 lemon, sliced thinly• a few sprigs of mint1. TO MAKE THE LEMON CURD: Combine the egg yolks, lemon zest, lemon juice and erythritol in a heatproof glass bowl. Beat until well mixed.2. To make a double boiler, fill a medium saucepan halfway up the side with water and heat over medium heat. Place the glass bowl over the saucepan and whisk the egg mixture constantly until it thickens. Remove the bowl from the…8 min
LOSE IT! The Handbook|Vol 45LCHFYESDAIRY*Choose full-cream dairy products. But while you are trying to lose weight it might be better to cut out all dairy other than butter.• Blue cheese• Butter• Cream (preferably double-thick)• Cream cheese• Feta cheese• Ghee• Parmesan cheese• Yoghurt (double-cream)• All other high-fat cheesesDRINKS• All teas (no milk)• Coffee (with cream or butter, not milk)• Sparkling water• Still waterEGGSEat eggs any way you prefer, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Real organic eggs are definitely the best if you can find them.FATS• Animal fats• Avocado oil• Butter• Coconut cream• Coconut milk• Coconut oil• Dripping• Duck fat• Extra-virgin olive oil• Ghee• Lard• Macadamia oil• Mayonnaise (home-made only, made with oils on this list)• Tallow (a rendered form of beef or mutton fat)FLOUR• Almond flour• Coconut flour• Hazelnut flour• Other nut floursFRUIT*• Avocado• Berries•…3 min
Table of contents for Vol 45 in LOSE IT! The Handbook (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.